Transport Company Red Flags

Transport Red Flags – NEVER pay an upfront deposit.
The most unscrupulous transport companies will require you to pay a deposit upfront before your unit is even scheduled for pickup. Transport Red Flags tips will keep you safe.
Here at Logi Transports you don’t pay ANYTHING until loaded on the truck and rolling towards your destination!
Transport Red Flags
Choose ONE transport provider at a time.
Some clients think that having 10 different companies all working on the their same load will help it move more quickly.
This is not the case and will only cause confusion and sometimes delay your shipment. Drivers seeing the same load listed many times will assume it has already been picked up or another trailer may load it before they arrive on site. So they will ignore multi listed units. This is to avoid the headaches they present in favor of the more orderly single listed unit.
If you believe your chosen transport provider is neglecting your order or cannot get the job accomplished. You should cancel with that provider before scheduling with a new one. 🙂
Call us today to discuss your options if you find yourself in this position!

Transport Red Flags
Have ANY damage notated on the delivery
bill of lading(BOL).
When a driver picks up a load he will either have or create a BOL and inspect the unit for condition and any current damage, noting any on the BOL.
Upon delivery the driver will do the same process. Inspecting the unit with the delivery contact and noting any NEW damage that may have occurred during transit. If no new damage it notated during this delivery inspection this is called a “clean BOL”. And the move is considered to have been completed successfully without incident.
IF there is new damage that occurred during transit. It MUST be notated at the time of delivery on the BOL for an insurance company to approve any claims (without an officially documented accident report of course) .
This is very important as minor damage found later the insurance will deny all claims since it could have occurred after delivery.